Learn how to get quality landscaping leads now with Houzz.

Houzz now has over 40 million users. Tapping into this network would be beneficial to any landscaping business – big or small, new or well established.
Why Should Landscapers Use Houzz?
- To help advance and expand your business.Showcase previous or current projects, thus offering clients a visual representation of the work they are capable of.
- clients can review landscapers – giving potential clients further assurance about the right landscaper to hire
- Break into new markets- reach millions of homeowners who are proactively searching for landscapers to work with
For serious landscapers, Houzz gives them a chance to break into new markets. For landscapers building their business, Houzz offers them a chance to show homeowners what they’ve got and make a name for themselves. At the very least Houzz allows a landscaper to establish credibility
Guide to Creating your Houzz Profile to Get Landscaping Leads:
The most important aspect is your photos.
The photos must:
- Look professional (not using a photo you snapped off your iphone on your way out the door, not a bad idea to hire a professional)
- Houzz has a photographer network – take advantage and find local photographers for the job
Good quality, high resolution - Residential properties – houzz caters to homeowners
- Include a description of the project – the more detail, the better
Establish Professional Credibility with Client Reviews
Once you have created your profile, you need to start building a reputation by getting customer reviews.
Why are reviews necessary for your profile?
- Credibility- reviews reassure potential clients
- Get seen – Houzz will up the visibility of your profile if you have more customer reviews.
- Client communication – Houzz lets you respond to your customer’s reviews
- Helps demonstrates that you value their business and their feedback
- Shows potential clients you will be friendly and communicative if they work with you.
But how do you get all these reviews?
- Online – All a client needs is your professional name and the location that you work out of in order to find you on the site.
- Link your Houzz profile to your social media (HYPERLINK TO SOCIAL MEDIA LANDSCAPERS BLOG) business page or business website. You can prompt clients with special deals if they review you it’s easy for them and important for you
- Mail it in – If you have old-fashioned clients, there is also the option to fill out a form and mail it to Houzz.
- Simplify the process – print the review form document and have it handy for any client who would prefer to give a review in that manner. To ensure that it arrives to Houzz, you should also give them a pre-addressed envelope, stamp included.
What is Houzz Pro Plus and Is It Right For My Business?
For professionals seeking to up their game, there is also the Houzz Pro Plus account. The catch is that you have to pay for this account status. Houzz Pro Plus gives you access to top-tier support, experts available to optimize your Houzz profile to get landscaping leads. Houzz Pro Plus increases your profile visibility, focusing on local homewoners. (The price of this account varies but is usually at least a few hundred dollars and depends on you as a professional, your areas of expertise and how your business functions.)
A Pro account should be seen as an investment just as hiring a professional photographer is. Pro is essentially a form of advertising your profile to future clients, it is a way to get landscaping leads. If you have created an impressive profile for yourself but don’t feel you are receiving enough exposure, look into getting a Pro account.